The Museum houses a wide range of exhibits depicting the material culture of Goa before the electricity era.
The exhibits on display are associated to the rural trades and their indigenous skills. The agrarian section highlights traditional, agricultural implements displayed according to different operations. The artifacts on display comprises of tillage implements, sowing tools, interculture operation tools, harvesting, cutting, pruning and marking implements, postharvest tools and implements, crop processing tools and implements, irrigation tools and implements, Crop protection implements.
Further an entire section is dedicated to storage implements of varied material like metal and wood. Grain and liquid measures, as well as different types of weights and scales used by grocers are on display. Since our ancestors had an intimate association with their animals a section is dedicated to the implements used on draught animal.
Walking through the passages you will find Ancient mode of transport where impressive carts, carriages, palanquin and caderin are put on show.
Besides agriculture other trades are also on exhibit. A large selection of tools used by carpenters, tailors, goldsmiths, cobblers, barbers, blacksmith and masons are on display. Importance is given to details, so one shall also see tools used by masons who carved stone.
There is a separate section which exhibits domestic and important Goan crafts, such as pottery, cane work and weaving as well as stone work. Kitchen implements in wood and metal take a large amount of space with careful consideration given to their utility.
Surprises always lurk around every corner as Implements used for leisure activities such as hunting as well as traditional games and musical instruments are put in view.
Since the museum is a dedication to our forefathers the entrance to the museum depicts the religious accessories and art of the Catholic and Hindu religion.