oa Chitra is a tribute by its founder to his ancestors and to their way of life using age-old wisdom passed down through generations. It is an unique collection and display
of traditional farming implements and other ancient tools of trade set up against the
backdrop of a traditional organic farm.
Beginning with the original 200 privately collected items, the collections have now grown to more than 4000 objects on display. The museum nevertheless preserves its universality in its collections of artifacts in representing the culture of ancient Goa. Each of the artifacts is supplemented by information that was collected in situ by interviewing the elder members of the community and through the study of its application in daily life.
Reutilization and recycling of materials like wood work, doors, windows, pillars, railings and other materials and elements from over 300 demolished traditional houses that have been recovered by the designer contribute to the contemporary outlook of the structure with its blend of traditional elements and modern technologies.
The concept of the museum is in holding with the philosophy that resources in today's world should not be wasted if their use is not necessary.
Goa Chitra believes in reviving age old traditions through the museum display and outr each programs thus allowing the younger generation to share the wisdom of the past which would otherwise be irretrievably lost. This we hope will create awareness about nature, its influences, and benefits on human life.